AVK celebrates International Women's Day
Today, the entire world is celebrating women’s rights and the continuous fight for gender equality and solidarity. 08-03-2023
The day sets out to celebrate the economic, political and social achievements of women in the past, present and in the future. This year, the theme is #EmbraceEquity, with the following statement shared on the official IWD website:
"Let’s all fully #EmbraceEquity. Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality."
Within the AVK Group, we of course also want to celebrate the hard-working, dedicated women in the industry and at our many offices around the world. To create awareness, we've asked some of them to bring forward their thoughts about the importance of equity and what is means to them in their daily work and in their lives. Meet them here below:
Workplace team activities
"Insist on workplace huddles to fuel unification, inclusion and agile mindsets. An agile mindset goes hand in hand with equity."
Tiffany Bermingham, Director for Marketing and Communications, AVK Australia Holding
Self-love and inclusiveness
"Equity means embracing self-love and standing up for myself and my needs, as well as advocating for inclusiveness and balance of power."
Rachel Lim, Regional Marketing Manager, AVK in Malaysia
Together for a common purpose: "Women conquered the world with their intelligence and wisdom. In the corporate environment and in everything we do, we are responsible for providing our "feminine touch". Men and women make it happen, produce, and evolve socioeconomically with the same level of commitment and interest. We are equal, and together for a common purpose!"
Juliana Celestrim, Marketing Analyst, AVK Válvulas do Brasil
In all aspects of our life
"Equity is not defined by gender but rather by the resilience and open-mindness we exhibit in all aspects of our life."
Sandra D'Orazio, CEO/President, ORBINOX Canada and USA
Awareness and respect
"To embrace equity is to be aware of and respect each other's level of thinking and capabilities and then support and challenge accordingly."
Birgitte Torben, Group Lean Manager, AVK Holding
About Women’s Day
International Women’s Day was established during the International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen in 1910, and was first celebrated in 1911 in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. International days, such as this one, are created to educate the public on issues of concern and to celebrate important achievements of humanity.
Did you know, that...
- International Women’s Day is an official holiday in some countries, such as Cuba, Ukraine, Armenia, and several African countries, etc.?
- In many places, it is customary for both men and women to give flowers or gifts to colleagues on the day as a way of showing gender equality.
Happy International Women’s Day!